Meetings, which are open to the general public, are the fourth Tuesday of most months at the Fireman's Hall, 2411 Hewitt Ave, Everett, WA 98201. There is no need to sign-up in advance, just show up and introduce yourself.
Our meetings begin at 6pm with a social hour and dinner (bring $15 cash for dinner). The business meeting begins at 7pm and is followed by a program that generally features a slide show from an expert on a fly-fishing related topic.
Monthly meeting exceptions:
Want to join the Evergreen Fly Fishing Club? All it takes is a couple of steps and your you'll be enjoying the benefits of the club. If you have a friend that's already a member, you can ask them to sponsor you.
Whether you have a sponsor or not, first you need to attend a club membership meeting and pick up your application form. Take it home, fill it out, and at your second meeting submit the form plus the initial membership fees. The Board of Directors will then put your application to a vote and that's all it takes to be part of this historic fly fishing club. Contact our Membership Chairman Dale Dennis at the club meeting for more information
The club holds a number of group fishing outings, including a winter steelhead fishout, a spring lake fishout, and a fall cutthroat fishout. Along with these official club fishing outings that have organized meals and awards, we also have many scheduled more casual outings throughout the year where members simply meet to go fishing. Members also get together regularly for such projects as the June cleanup of the North Fork, a storied summer-run steelhead river that the club considers its home waters.
Check our calendar for a complete list of upcoming activities.
Each winter, members conduct a series of fly-tying classes featuring proven patterns, Rod building classes have been conducted in the past as needed.
The club also supports a number of conservation related activities. We try to keep up on legislative issues affecting our sport and make our opinions known to the Legislature or state fish and wildlife officials.
In addition to an annual river cleanup day, the club sends four children to a summer conservation camp each year and donates to various non-club projects and sponsors projects of our own. In the spring of 1999 for example, the club spent two weekends planting trees along North Fork feeder creeks to support young salmon and steelhead. During 2000 and 2001 a historical monument was conceived and built on the north fork of the Stillaguamish River.
Federation of Fly Fishers (FFF)
Washington Council FFF
British Columbia FFF
McKenzie Flyfishers
Washington FF Club
Puget Sound Flyfishers
Olympic Flyfishers of Edmonds
Overlake FF Club
Inland Empire FF Club
Northwest Fly Anglers
South Sound Fly Fishers
Clearwater Fly Casters
Clark-Skamania Flyfishers
Alpine Fly Fishers
Rogue Flyfishers
Olympic Peninsula FlyFishers
PO Box 221, Everett, WA 98206